Pre-commit files automate tasks such as linting and formatting before a commit is made. This saves developers time and effort and catches potential issues before they become a problem.

An overview of Git

Git is a version control system (VCS) used by developers to track changes in their code and collaborate with others on software projects. It works by storing a series of “snapshots” of the codebase at different points in time, allowing developers to go back and forth between different versions of the code as needed.

Through a central repository, users can commit

When using Git, developers first create a local repository on their own computer, which contains a copy of the codebase. They can then make changes to the code and commit those changes to the repository, which saves a snapshot of the current state of the code.

Git also allows developers to work together on projects by pushing their changes to a remote repository, such as one hosted on GitHub. Other team members can then pull those changes down to their own local repositories and collaborate on the project.